Sirgas-Info Mailing List

About Sirgas-Info

The SIRGAS mail exploder informs the SIRGAS community through e-mail about events related to the SIRGAS-CON network, for instance: station configuration changes, tracking problems, data inconsistencies, upcoming meetings, new solutions, etc.

Using Sirgas-Info
- To post a message to all the list members, send an e-mail to
- If you are NOT a member of this list, your posts will be moderated by the list administrator.
- If you are a member of this list, your posts will be sent immediately.
- Please use plain text format (do not use HTML format).
- For security reasons, attachments will be discarded from the mail before distribution.
- The subject field in the mail header has to be non-blank (it has to be filled out!).
- For e-mails related to a specific station, please use a subject field starting with the 4-char abbreviation of the corresponding station.
- Each mail message will be preceded by a numbered header, thus each distributed mail can later be referenced using the automatically assigned mail number.

Subscribing to Sirgas-Info
To join (or to unsubscribe) the Sirgas-Info mailing list send an e-mail to Laura Sanchez.

Archive of Sirgas-Info
To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the archive of Sirgas-Info.

Sirgas-Info list run by christian.schwatke at
Sirgas-Info administrative interface (requires authorization)